On today’s episode, we’re joined by Dan Pilver from Magic Number. Magic Number is a craft beverage company based in Bend, Oregon that makes a “special” type of ginger beer. What makes this ginger beer special? It is cannabis infused ginger beer.
Highlights & Takeaways
Try to count the number of times Brendan says “ginger beer” in the intro
Magic Number uses organic Peruvian ginger root to make their beverages
What we mentioned on during this show
Episode 79 Transcript
Brendan Hanson: Welcome back and thanks for listening to another episode of the Drips & Draughts podcast. Today we’ve got a bit of a curveball episode for you as we’re joined by Dan Pilver from Magic Number. When we started this podcast, original intention was to explore all craft beverages, but over the past year and a half or so that we’ve been doing the show, we’ve really got a lot of feedback from the coffee community.
We’ve stuck around coffee for most of our episodes. Here and there we do some craft beer, we’ve talked a little bit of kombucha, but this episode is something entirely new for us. Dans’ company Magic Number makes a nonalcoholic ginger beer, but the thing that sets Magic Number ginger beer apart from every other ginger beer on the market is that it is cannabis infused. Some of you are probably going, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not what I signed up for when I subscribe to the Drips & Draughts podcast.
Give this episode a shot, the time, the thought, the effort that goes into making this ginger beer is pretty remarkable. You can check out Magic Number online, you can check out their Instagram page and they’re making their ginger beer out of fresh organic Peruvian ginger or ginger root, I should say. It looks like a pretty amazing process they got going on.
I’m not going to say too much more I’m going to let Dan do the explaining, but before we jump into today’s episode with Dan Pilver, we recently made mention of a Death Wish coffee back on episode, I think it was, 77, and how they were recalling all their cans of nitro-coffee. Since then, we’ve had quite a few of you reach out to us just curious on what happened, what was going on. We reached out to Death Wish Coffee and we’re actually going to get them on next week for episode 80. We’ll be joined by their CEO Mike Brown, and we’ll talk about Death Wish Coffee as a company and will also talk about the nitro-coffee recall. Stay tuned for that because that’s something that really rock the cold brew industry.
All right that’s going to do it for our interns today. If you’re looking for links or show notes for this episode you can find those by going to dripsanddraughts.com/77. That’ll take you to our new website, check it out let us know you think. And hey, don’t be shy, hop on there and submit a question. It’s easy to do online now, just open it up in your web browser, click record and you can send us a voicemail straight from your web browser. Let’s get into today’s episode with Dan Pilfer of Magic Number.
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Brendan: All right you’re listening to the Drips & Draughts podcast and today I’m joined by Dan Pilver from Magic Number. How are you doing, Dan?
Dan Pilver: Great, thanks for having me today.
Brendan: Absolutely, you reached out to us a little while back and I thought you had something pretty interesting going so thanks for joining me today, and mind giving a little bio background on yourself and maybe how you got into the craft beverage world?
Dan: Yes, absolutely. My background originally was in wildlife ecology and pre-vet. Did some traveling with that and as a river guide and also as a teacher. In my travels, I’ve always had a love for ginger. My travels in Caribbean, I had some ginger beer that is still memorable to this day. I remember just thinking of the stuff I was getting in the stores, I was just like, “This is just not the same.” Just not the same quality, flavor everything. Reed was the best I had had in the States, but overseas it’s just blew my mind. So I dabbled with making my own Ginger bureau home and tried several different recipes and stuff and was making it for a while at home. And a good buddy of mine was messing around making spirits so he was distilling alcohol.
Both of us were at a point in our lives too where we were thinking about a career change both of us were. The first idea was like, “Well, let’s make spirits. Let’s open a craft distillery.” We’re pretty excited about that, we started taking business classes and going along that path. But as we did our homework, I guess into a craft distilling, it seemed like there was a few obstacles to that as far as finances go and the cost of a start up for distillery and–
Brendan: Licensing.
Dan: Yes, licensing exactly with the Feds and all of that kind of stuff. It also seemed like too there was a smaller market, and I wasn’t sure what the potential in that market was. Tt the same time Colorado had just opened its doors for cannabis. I guess I’m more of a cannabis person than I am an alcohol person, and so I was like, “Well, I kind of like the idea of getting into cannabis.”
At first we were thinking maybe we could make some alcohol and put cannabis in it, but it is federally illegal, there was no chance in doing that. Our first idea was to actually make tonic. I’m a huge gin and tonic fan, that it is my one weakness I guess. Craft beer I appreciate as well, but I was like, “Oh yes, I’d love a gin and tonic with some cannabis in it.
We’re like, “Oh, we could put it in the tonic.” Then we kind of changed our mind, said like, “Oh, we can still have a cannabis infusion in tonic, we just infuse our mixers. Really Alex kind of ran with the ginger beer, that was his baby kind of taking that on and developing our current recipe that we have today.
Brendan: Alex’s one of your business partners?
Dan: Yes, exactly. So it’s myself, Alex Berger and Jeff Franks. It’s the three of us.
Brendan: You mentioned you had a prior love for ginger beer, were you a beer drinker prior to that or did ginger beer kind of get you into craft beers?
Dan: Well ginger beer as in the soda. So the nonalcoholic version, but I just love that ginger spicy kick. I just love candy ginger, chocolate cover– anything that has ginger in it. I’m a huge fan: ginger ice cream, ginger cookies. I just have a love for ginger. But I but I also do appreciate, I feel like life is too short to drink bad beverages or poor quality anything, or anything that’s not good.
I think there was really no other option for us, especially being we’re from Bend Oregon too and a pretty big craft beer Mecca and coffee and everything beverage-wise. Just feel like that’s the way to go there is no real other option, I think.
Brendan: Sure, yes that is a craft beer Mecca. We were talking before the show a little bit about all the breweries up there ,the most poor per capita. I think my wife read off a stat that there was one brewery per 4100 people or something like that.
Dan: That sounds about right.
Brendan: You guys get [inaudible 00:07:37].
Dan: It’s pretty amazing how many craft breweries exist here and in open every year too, it’s pretty amazing place. I also think that kind of creates a climate too in just that the beverage world for anybody who’s starting up here is a real great place to start and be in the craft industry since it’s a pretty big part of our community.
Brendan: Nice, well cool, tell us about Magic Number a bit: When was this founded, and what was it that made you guys say let’s make a cannabis infused ginger beer?
Dan: At first, we started with the spirit, we decided against that. Then the August of 2014, we made our first beverage just at home and in the kitchen. It was a cannabis infused high iced coffee and we tried to invite all our friends to come over and try and see what would happen. We had one friend that came over and was a taker and back then too the milligram system wasn’t quite developed, and it was pretty inconsistent. So that’s kind of the testing, rules and everything and the measurements for cannabis in an item.
We all had a little bit too much and just all took naps. That was kind of our first go at it. Because it was a tie as coffee, we did have dairy in it and found out later that that was a little bit more complicated than just adding dairy into a bottle and bottling it. From there really Alex, he has a big love for ginger as well, and since I think I had already been dabbling with ginger beer he just jumped on it and he just started that recipe process and it grew from there.
Brendan: Nice and ginger has got a lot of health benefits, doesn’t it?
Dan: Absolutely, it’s fantastic for stomach digest, all of that stuff, and actually cannabis has a lot of the same benefits. For me, if I’ve ever got an upset stomach, our 3mg ginger beers are fantastic for upset stomachs. I’ve found and a lot of our friends have found that as well.
Brendan: Awesome, tell ius about the product a little bit. You mentioned the 3 milligram ginger beer, what is your product line look like currently and what’s the availability?
Dan: We’ve got two different flavors of beverages. We are working on more recipes right now, but currently we’ve got our ginger beer and we’ve got a coffee, a cold brewed coffee. The both beverages are available in 3mg, 10mg, and 25mg of THC. We have an option for everybody and that’s the ideas. What’s your Magic Number? What number do prefer in milligrams of THC? Everybody is so different, process it differently as well.
Everything we make is our craft so it is from scratch. So we tried numerous very ancients of ginger: ginger syrup, frozen ginger, granular ginger, everything we could find and just found that there was just no replacing the flavor or no substitute for the flavor of fresh juice ginger. Then in that, getting into the ginger world, we had no idea too all of the different crops and there are different places in the world that ginger could be grown and the different flavors from each crop and so not from country of origin.
Brendan: I bet it becomes like coffee bean, probably.
Dan: Yes, exactly. It’s a crop and it is very similar to coffee beans in that way. And so, we found that the organic Peruvian ginger is by far the superior of the gingers. If you really want a pretty strong ginger bite and flavor to that ginger, but we tried Wayen, we tried Brazilian, we tried Chinese. Trying to think of them. That might be it.
Brendan: From all over the world.
Dan: Exactly, yes. Every crop has a different season, and every crop is a little different from year to year, but definitely partial to the Peruvian. It just has that real strong ginger bite and you can taste it right on the first sip. It’s not like you have to wait to the very bottom.
Brendan: No mistaking it.
Dan: There is no mistaking it, exactly. Just really flavor full and strong.
Brendan: It’s incredible when you start getting into whether it’s coffee or tea or ginger, just learning about a lot of people who don’t think about it and just say, “Ginger is ginger.” But when you really start to think about it, yes it’s grown in a different soil, different climate, yes, how different ginger could probably be.
Dan: Yes, we had no idea, I had no idea until we really got into it and then the process of growing it too. They rotate the crops and then also if you’re getting your crop from the southern hemisphere, their seasons are a little bit different. So it’s a pretty unique, but it’s been a lot of fun learning about it. I’d love to just start doing tours of all the ginger farms all around the world. That’d be great. And coffee farms too.
Brendan: Yes, I bet. No kidding.
Dan: Yes, exactly.
Brendan: Well, cool. Let’s talk about making ginger beer a little bit.
Dan: Yes, perfect.
Brendan: Tell us about your process, because I started looking– After you reached out I started looking at your website and your Instagram page and yes, sure enough you guys take a lot of ginger root and it looks like you just extracted somehow. Can you tell us about that?
Dan: Yes, we have have basically a giant scruples. We bought — buy ginger by the pellets these days and just a day, two days just throwing ginger in the hopper and out comes the juice. We were doing like a little home juice for our first pretty labor intesive, and so we have a big 4 inch scruples that just used for throwing handfuls and handfuls of ginger. That’s what we use in our ginger beers. We take the ginger juice, mix in our spices, some sugar, a little bit of water and just boil it. We do that i a big brew kettles, or set up as pretty much like a brew or something more cidery, or things like that.
We brew everything in the brew kettle, we make a syrup and then we pump that over to our big tanks. Right now we are at 30 barrel capacity, we have two 10 barrel tanks, a seven barrel tank and a three and a half barrel tank and we can just decide which tanks we’re going to brew what in. From there we take the syrup, dilute it up to actual soda strength and then carbonate it. We do false carbonation. When I first heard of messing around with making ginger beer, I did use a yeast but it’s pretty hard to control the craters and so it’s just a lot easier to false carbonated stuff instead of having craters do it for you.
Brendan: Well, kind of good enough topic, but I was thinking you guys were doing like a ginger beer and alcoholic ginger beer. Adding yeast would that give it trace amounts of alcohol or is this so minor?
Dan: Well, it depends on how much the yeast consumes. Since it’s a sugar-rich environment, it’s pretty hard to tell the yeast to stop doing it. It is– [crosstalk]
Brendan: Right, they’re going to keep going.
Dan: They’re going to keep going. Even under the cold temperatures, when I was making soda at home before with the yeast they still didn’t care and we’re still processing that sugar and making it and the alcohol. That would definitely add that extra step or extra issue to deal with is that alcohol.
Brendan: All right, I got to imagine this making the way you guys do is probably is a little bit more consistent because you’re not dealing with that yeast variable. You basically just get within to where you guys want it, sweetening it, adding your spices, and finding your sweet spot and then just say, “Hey, boom, carbonate it.”
Dan: Exactly, yes. It’s a lot more predictable, a lot more consistent than trying to control a crater. There there’s no issues to worry about with craters too. We also pasteurize everything too and that definitely helps as well. Yes, there’s no craters involved in the process and much easier to control.
Brendan: Well, that’s variables there. You mentioned you’ve got different sized tanks. The small three and a half barrel tank, is that for like test batches or do you guys find that one of your magic numbers is a little more popular when you’re talking 3, 10 or 25?
Dan: Yes, that’s a question. Right now our ginger beers are a lot more popular than our coffees. The bigger change have been dedicated to the ginger beers. Since the cannabis industry is so new, the rules keep changing. As we’ve been in the industry, when we first released our beverages, we were in about 20 stores across the state of Oregon and it was medical only.
The rules were pretty relaxed then and then as the rules had developed over time, the rules kept changing as well of what people could buy. At first they couldn’t buy an edible and they could buy one edible up to 15 milligrams. This is the first time that all three of our strengths beverages will be available to people in the state of Oregon for recreational consumption. They will also be able to buy a six pack as well.
Before, our 10mg beverages sold about twice as much as our 3 and 25. The 3s and 25s were about equal, but we’re really curious– But the 25mg beverages were only available for medical folks. Now that they’re available for recreational folks, we’re expecting all of our numbers to change and so we’ll just see what happens. For right now too we will just weigh on our tanks. We’re just are guessing with our first round of what’s going to sell the most and then from here onward we can just decide which tanks we’re going to use. Like, “Hey, whatever, the 25mg coffee is really selling a lot.” We’ll put that in the big tank versus the little tanks.” I guess it’s based on demand.
Brendan: That leads me into my next is, once you’ve made your ginger beer and you decide that you’re going to add the THC or the cannabis to it, what is that process like? Because obviously you’ve got to measure it our pretty accurately if you’re adding it into a multi-barrel tank and then having to bottle it later. What’s that look like?
Dan: Yes, that’s a great question. We add that at the very end right before we start the carbonation process. We fill the tank, the soda is all in there. That goes through a filter, but we do keep a lot of the sentiment in our ginger beer. We do filter it out of the coffee, but a lot of that ginger sentiment does add flavor to the beverages. Plus we don’t want to boil the cannabis either, that will just reduce a lot of that THC and be pretty wasteful for us as well.
So we add that in to the tanks and then we usually let it sit for a few hours or a day and then take a sample to the lab. All of our– Again, we use a distillate that’s pretty high concentrated THC and we’ll mix that with some gumming agents and things like that to try to get them to mix evenly throughout the tank. We also have palms and everything that are continuously mixed in the tank the entire time as well, even during the bottling process. Everything is well mixed. But since there’s an oil, it is a little bit tricky. It took us a long time to figure out how to get an oil to stay and dissolved equally throughout a water.
Brendan: That was my next question is does the oil stay in suspension, or have you guys found a way to make that happen, or does it actually settle out and your first of the ginger beer and it’s like, “There it is”?
Dan: Exactly. It’s pretty well mixed in. We have not seen it separate out of the beverage at all. We do tell folks to shake our beverages as well just because the ginger all settles on the bottom so that way all the sips are equal in ginger strength and flavor. But really, it seems like it’s really mixed well throughout the beverage, so you’re not getting into that issue. But it took us a while to figure that out how to actually do that. That’s definitely a challenge in the beverage and cannabis industry, mixing that oil and water.
Brendan: Sure, I bet. So you’re adding cannabis oil, also called CBD oil, right? Or is that different?
Dan: Well, cannabis contains THC and CBD. It contains a whole bunch of different compounds. We’re not using CBD, is much more expensive to get a hold of than THC. And CBD can also be derived from hemp or from cannabis. It’s very similar and I don’t know if you can tell the difference from where it was from.
Brendan: I did not know that.
Dan: Yes, CBD is non-psychoactive versus the THC is. So our beverages are THC, but the degree of psycho-activity, I guess, or the high that you’re getting really depends on the individual user and their tolerances as well, and how much they’re consuming with our three different beverages or their [unintelligible 00:01:41] that’s 5mg. If you could do a little bit of simple math, you could do kind of dial in whatever you like to do. Or the half of 25, that’s 12mg or whatever. A couple of 3s, that’s 6mg, so you could just dial things in to exactly what you’re looking forward to.
Brendan: Interesting. So let’s talk about the milligrams, because I do not partake at all. This is all interesting and I’m very curious about this. You mentioned the milligram system earlier, so let’s talk about that a little bit. Your products are 3, 10, and 25. Is there any reason that you guys settled on those numbers versus like 5, 10, 15, 25 or?
Dan: There is. We started high. When we made our first batch, we started with 25mg. We thought, “Oh, that’s a good number.” And we had eaten some solid edibles that were 25mg that felt pretty good. I think the testing was not as consistent then, but solid edibles also take a lot longer to be digested and to feel the effects in your body, and the liquids are just a little bit stronger. So I feel like the liquids– When we made our 25s I was like, “Oh, wow. That was too much for me personally.” I might use those like if I was in a lot of pain and just wanted to go to bed or something like that, 25 will be perfect for me, I think. Or if I was doing something super, super active for a bunch of hours, 25 will be fine for me too.
So we started with 25 and we worked our way down to 1mg, just for test batches, and given them away to friends and neighbors and all sorts of folks. We were looking for something– It was really important for us to find something that was a great introduction that anybody could consume and that you’d feel good about it. Really, like for my mom or Alex’s mom, or anybody’s mom who has never consumed cannabis before, I’d like to feel good about giving them a beverage and saying, “Enjoy the whole thing. You’re going to be fine.”
That’s the idea of the 3mg. It’s really just a great introduction to cannabis. No one has ever said that’s too much. When we got below 3mg, 2mg, 1mg in our beverages, we found that most folks don’t feel that, and so it’s like, “Whoa, that’s just not quite enough.”
Brendan: It’s kind of pointless.
Dan: Exactly. In the 3mg still, a lot of folks don’t feel them. Some folks might just feel slight effects, but people that are really sensitive, it’s perfect for them. So a lot of folks I know that are pretty sensitive to cannabis, I see a lot of females too can be more sensitive to the cannabis in the edible form, and the 3mg is just the perfect dose for them, or for me too. Over the course of an evening, I might have– While I’m watching football with my friends, like 2-3mg ginger beer and a beer, something like that. Or a couple of 3mg ginger beers with some vodka or something like that. Exactly. Like Moscow Mule or something like that. It’s perfect.
Brendan: Do you make Moscow Mules with your beers?
Dan: Absolutely, I do. We could sell them like that or you could make a whiskey ginger, you can throw a scoop of ice cream in them. Whatever you could think of, what you want to do with ginger beer, you can do it. It’s fantastic, I think. But you don’t have to. You can have it however you like.
Brendan: Sure. I was going to say, do you get a cannabis or THC taste? Do you know that it’s in there or you’re just drinking ginger beer when you have this?
Dan: That’s a great question too. The 3mg beverages; there is not a hint at all of cannabis in there at all. You would never know there was a bit of cannabis, partially ginger is a pretty strong flavor itself, but there’s also so little. If you think about 3mg, that is just a tiny, tiny amount in a 12oz bottle.
Same with our 10mg beverages as well, you might barely– like if somebody told you there is cannabis in there and really just try to pay attention to the flavors and stuff, you might be able to tell that there’s cannabis in there. I don’t know if I could. It is very, very subtle in a 10mg beverage as well, if you can detect it. I’m not even sure if you can detect it.
The 25’s, you can. The 25mg beverage, you can taste the cannabis in it, but I think it’s a really complimentary flavor. It’s not in your face, it’s just very, very mild and it is pretty subtle. It’s like, “Oh, yeah. I can taste it and it actually tastes good.” I think a lot of times too, when people make brownies or whatever at home, it’s just like, “I’ll eat this. I don’t want to eat it, but I’ll have a fun time afterwards.” There’s nothing tasteful about this experience, but I feel like with our beverages, it’s like, “wow.” And there’s cannabis in it, it tastes amazing and it’s delicious and I want to drink the whole thing and– [crosstalk]
Brendan: I can’t believe there’s cannabis in it.
Dan: Exactly, it’s a bonus.
Brendan: So the more that’s in there, you can maybe start to taste it or, can you smell it?
Dan: I would say in the 25mg beverage, you can just barely smell it, but just barely. It is just really subtle, I would say. The 3s and 10s, I really cannot detect it at all.
Brendan: So if somebody wants to consume cannabis, they can either obviously smoke it, they can eat it, or now they could drink it. How do these methods kind of differ? Is there a different experience or effect for the user?
Dan: Yes, absolutely. Smoking is pretty much instantaneous. That goes right into your system and it goes away fairly quickly compared to the other methods of ingestion. Eating and drinking take a little bit longer to come on. And eating and drinking generally, when you’re eating it, it’s a different metabolic pathway. It also feels more of a full body high, I would say, then maybe just smoking is more of a heady kind of high. It’s how folks would describe it.
In general, I would say, if you’re looking at solid foods like cookies and brownies or gummy bears or things like that, a lot of times, you sort of feel the effects in about an hour. In about an hour and a half, the whole thing has kicked in. The beauty of the beverages, which I think is really also safer as well, is they’re a lot quicker to kick in. So the beverages, I would say, most folks start feeling them within 30 minutes, and the whole thing has kicked in in an hour. And so I feel like you’re having a beverage, you’re just finishing your beverage, and they’re “Oh, I’m just starting to feel this.” And you’re just kind of feeling it come on versus the solid edibles, I feel like getting trouble where they wait an hour, they’re not feeling anything, and they eat the second one.
Brendan: They eat some more.
Dan: They’re like, “Oh, I’m going to eat another one.” It’s like, “Whoa,”and it’s like, “Oh, wish I could uneat that second one.” It’s too late. So I feel like the liquid beverages, because they do come on quicker, do feel a little bit safer for folks because you’re not tempted to have a second one as well. We do always recommend folks too, if they’re new to cannabis to start really low, start with a 3mg beverage, or split a 10. Have 5mg, or you could always have the other half of your 10 later, have the other 5mg in an hour and a half, once you’re sure everything has kicked on. You can always have more, you can never have less once you’ve consumed it.
Always trying to get that idea to people like, “You can always have more, you can always have the second one, but you can’t uneat it.”
Brendan: You’ll have to sell a flow chart with your six packs.
Dan: Yes, we do actually have a little chart for education on the side because people are just so new to the milligram system, they have no idea what it means and it’s another system. Just like alcohol, we just have to learn what those percentages mean and those numbers. Once you do it’s-
Brendan: I hope it’s in that chart too as in and yes, we’ll put the show notes.
Dan: Yes, perfect, absolutely.
Brendan: How did our parents ever get through life without a chart and the milligram system?
Dan: Exactly. They were just weighing it I guess.
Brendan: They were.
Dan: Another thing too is my folks were very anti-cannabis, but part of it too I think was my dad’s only experience with the cannabis was after he had drunk 12 beers or something like that and he tried to hit off of a joint and then he vomited and he’s like, “That Marijuana is the worst.”
Brendan: Never again.
Dan: Never again, but yes it’s always– If you’re going to mix the two you got to really know what you’re doing and really cannabis should be on board first like you’ve had alcohol saying or whatever to and start there. Cannabis can increase the effects of alcohol about four times in a lot of folks. That’s significant especially if you’ve already had 12 beers.
Brendan: No kidding.
Dan: Then decide,”Hey, I’m going to try this.” I’m like, “I’m gonna wait another day to try that.”
Brendan: Yes, no kidding. Going back to your process a little bit when your making and adding the oil, do you guys actually extract the THC yourselves, or do you get that elsewhere?
Dan: We don’t. There’s other processors that do that, and there’s a variety of different methods of doing that as well. You can do hit and a press to create like a layer of rayson, you can do different extracts methods with butane and hexanes, CO2. A lot of different ways to get this oil that you can then use. Then also our oil that we’re using is a distillate so it is distilled again to clear out a lot of those impurities, the chloroform, and the plants, the waxes all of those kind of things as well.
Brendan: Interesting. The reason I asked is because we sell cold brew systems to companies who use them for extraction. They’re like the filter and–
Dan: Yes.
Brendan: Randomly we’ll get and order and I’ll say that’s a weird email address. So I email the guy and say, “Hey, thanks for the order. What are you guys using this for?” A lot of them come back, “Oh, we’re extracting THC, and what we’re going to use it for.” Very interesting. I was just curious if you guys did your own, or you get it from elsewhere it sounds like.
Dan: Yes, we get it from other processor. It’s pretty expensive equipment to get into that side of things. We would love to have our own grow eventually and have our own processing to make the oil ourselves and go right on the line. Eventually too once it’s hopefully legal, have a blue pub where people can in and have a ginger beer, watch a concert and just have a good time. That’s our eventual goals to have a Keener blue pub versus a blue pub as well. But it’s difficult or expensive enough just to create a beverage or brewery let alone all of the other parts to that chain.
I forget. If you don’t mind me going back to the question and smoking versus eating and drinking as well. The other big difference is the eating and drinking just lasts a lot longer in your system. When you do eat or drink a beverage, I would say, typically last about four hours versus smoking might be a half hour 45 minutes. You have to know what you’re getting into when you are consuming it as an edible. Another important thing to know, what kind of ride you’re getting into.
Brendan: Very interesting. Well, hey, Dan, that’s awesome great information. I think we’ve got enough here for one episode and I think we’re going to break it up two so if you don’t mind we’ll continue this interview a little bit later, but thanks so much for joining me today.
Dan: Thanks, Brendan. That was real treat and real pressure. Really appreciate it.
Brendan: All right and thanks for sharing.
Dan: Yes, thank you.
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Brendan: All right, a big thanks to Dan Pilver for joining us today. As you heard at the end of that show, we actually split that up into a second episode. So the second part will be released in a couple of weeks, stay tuned for that because Magic Number has another product coming out. It’s going to be a THC infused cold brew. Watch for that episode in a couple of weeks.
Just a reminder we’re going to have Death Wish Coffee on next week’s show. If you’re one of the people who wrote in curious about what happened with their nitro-coffee recall, or hey maybe you’re just curious about what’s going on with that anyways, make sure you stay tuned and check out episode 80, where we’re joined by Mike Brown the CEO of Death Wish Coffee.
All right, that’s about it for today. If you’re looking for links or show notes from this episode you can find those by going to dripsanddraughts .com/79. Another thanks to Dan Pilver for joining me today. I’m Brendan Hanson and we’ll see you again next week on the Drips & Draughts podcast.
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